Meet the Investor Advocate
The Office of the Investor Advocate (OIAD) was established to help the PCAOB Board incorporate investors’ perspectives in the PCAOB regulatory agenda and enhance the PCAOB's engagement with investors and investor advocates. The Investor Advocate reports directly to the Chair of the PCAOB. The Office has three core functions:
- To enhance the PCAOB's engagement with investors. OIAD aims to enhance the PCAOB's engagement with investors and investor advocates through collaboration and coordination.
- To provide a voice to investors. OIAD aims to ensure that the needs of investors are considered in the PCAOB’s oversight activities. We work with investors and investor advocates to analyze the potential impact on investors of proposed regulatory changes, identify problems that investors have with audited financial statements, and recommend changes to PCAOB standards for the benefit of investors.
- To support the PCAOB Investor Advisory Group (IAG). OIAD provides staff and operational support for the IAG and its four subcommittees, the Investor Advocate serves as a Co-Chair of the IAG. OIAD also convenes public and non-public meetings of investors and investor advocates to gather their input on matters that are within the purview of the PCAOB.
Saba Qamar - Investor Advocate
Saba Qamar is the PCAOB’s Investor Advocate. In this role, Ms. Qamar is responsible for maintaining and expanding the PCAOB’s engagement with the investor community, including retail and institutional investors, investor advocates, and others who play a key role or have expertise in the capital markets. She also serves as the organization’s primary point of contact for investors.
Before joining the PCAOB in June 2022, Ms. Qamar served as Senior Financial Analyst in the Division of Risk Management Supervision at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). In this capacity, she advised FDIC executives on numerous policy issues and built relationships with investors, U.S. and non-U.S. regulators, professional associations, academics, and others. Ms. Qamar previously served at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and held positions across the government where she advocated for the interests of investors.
Ms. Qamar graduated with a Bachelor of Science in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Boston and holds J.D. and MBA degrees from Suffolk University’s Law School and its Sawyer Business School.

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